Home Amazon 6 Books Every Dressage Rider Should Own: Jane Savoie Edition
6 Books Every Dressage Rider Should Own: Jane Savoie Edition

6 Books Every Dressage Rider Should Own: Jane Savoie Edition


The dressage world has lost one of the single most influential riders of the sport yesterday. Jane Savoie has quietly influenced thousands of riders through her series of books and her Dressage Mentor program online. While she was never one to be in the spotlight on social media she was definitely worthy of being in it.

As a teenager, I read Jane Savoie’s books, and today I can still quote them.

When I arrived in Wellington, there was a lady sitting next to the ring watching, chiming in on lessons with this wonderful smile on her face. I was not sure who it was, after a moment I realized it was Jane Savoie! I took a step back and realized that this was a dressage legend in the flesh, sitting next ten feet away from me!

I am not gonna lie I panicked, took a photo for evidence, then found an opportunity to introduce myself. She may be gone but far from forgotten.

These books are so well written every dressage rider needs to have them as part of their collection.

#1 My personal favorite.

That Winning Feeling!

This book literally changed everything about how I approached my daily training and my goals with my horse.

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#2 Jane Savoie’s Most Popular Book

Next up, Dressage 101 which has been one of her most popular books and for good reason. Dressage 101 breaks down the fundamentals of dressage into concepts that are easy to understand and apply to your horse.

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#3 The Best Choice For Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

It’s Not About The Ribbons is not in my collection so I headed to the review section to see what people had to say.

Not many books can hold that claim either, but after a terrible fall that broke my wrist and a bit of my spirit I needed help. For the first time in my life I was terrified to get on a horse. While my wrist was healing I read this book and it mended my broken spirit. If you struggle with any part of riding, or other parts of your life, this book really helps get your mind in the right place to succeed. I have even used this books when teaching children to overcome fears in their academic lives. It is a must!


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#4 Jane Savoie Unites The Disciplines

Dressage riders need to jump and jumpers need to ride dressage but we really like to pretend that the each rider stays in their own little world and doesn’t cross those lines. Jane Savoie encourages riders to think outside the box to become the best version of themselves with Dressage Between The Jumps. 

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#5 Cross-Train Like An Athlete With These 2 Books

Jane Savoie also wrote two books about cross-training to add to the valuable collection.

Book 1 is called Cross-Train Your Horse.

Amazon Review:

This may be the best “how-to” books on riding I’ve read. The description of the rider’s experience when things work, and when they don’t, are true to my experience. And the key points at the end of each section sum things up nicely. I can’t recommend this book highly enough.

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More Cross-Training, Book Two: Build a Better Performance Horse with Dressage

Possibly the best Amazon Review yet!

Jane brings the “Dressage Technical” language down to earth where it makes sense and you don’t have to open a dictionary to understand what she is explaining to you. I’ve seen lofty language on dressage forums around the internet and honestly it sounds like a bunch of elitist trying to outdo everyone else with $5.00 words where $.50 words would work just as well. Jane makes dressage approachable without sounding like she is finding you unworthy of actually learning dressage as some of those who spout off on the dressage boards.
Thanks Jane

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#6 Take A Break From The Technical With Second Chances

The last book in the collection but certainly not any less important was the final book that Jane Savoie published. It was her goal to see it published before she passed away after 5 years of battling terminal cancer. She saw Second Chances published just a few weeks before she passed away. This novel is a different twist on her previous writing an exciting way to complete the legacy she leaves behind.

A young woman with a damaged heart finds a chance for love as she struggles for dressage stardom.

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Now the only question we have left to ask, is how closely this novel represents real life?

If you are looking for a little bit more info on the style of Jane Savoie teaching. You can check out her full-length seminar video, 5 Ways To Transform Your Performance on the Dressage Hub YouTube Channel.