Home Celebrity Dressage Disaster: Valentine Loses Heart

Dressage Disaster: Valentine Loses Heart


Hard NO From Valentine

Olympian Ashley Holzer has switched teams and it is a ‘hard no’ from her horse Valentine as she loses heart during the Grand Prix Special last week at the Global Dressage Festival.

Switching Teams

After representing Canada at the Olympics on Breaking Dawn and Pop Art. Ashley Holzer has officially become an American Citizen and is now campaigning the Tokyo in 2021 for the United States Dressage Team. Valentine has a different agenda.

Dressage Disaster

Valentine went through the Grand Prix test slow, tired and unresponsive to the leg aids. With a day off in between the Grand Prix and the Grand Prix Special. Valentine came in hotter than we have ever seen her before. Spooking at the VIP tent and highly responsive to the aids, Ashley Holzer and Valentine were off to a whole different start to the Grand Prix Special. Ashley Holzer was not able to contain the electricity and excitement that Valentine maintained throughout the test and was forced to retire.

You can watch other videos of Ashley Holzer here: https://youtu.be/AKQJBn_JzEw