Home Celebrity The BEST Way To Get Your Horse On The Bit During A Dressage Test!

The BEST Way To Get Your Horse On The Bit During A Dressage Test!


Double The Marks

The walk has a double co-efficient in your dressage test so stop treating it like a side chick on the weekend and start training it in a way that you will become a dressage superstar!

The walk transition often causes a lot of anxiety for both horse and rider when you are in a dressage test. There are a lot of things that have to happen quickly as you pick up the reins and ask your horse to become responsive to the aids as you ask for the trot. This is the exact moment where one small mistake can lead you toward a downward spiral in your test.

The Key

Getting your horse on the bit, quietly and politely is the key to having a harmonious-looking dressage test.

In this video, Olympian Debbie McDonald shares her dressage training secrets to help you pick up your horse and get them on the bit quietly and correctly in your dressage test. Training this movement at home will ultimately create a more impressive dressage test.